Friday, January 25, 2008

a night out

I'm on the count down......I am going out with some girlfriends tonight. For the first time in weeks I get to breath different air than these little messy creatures. The little messy creatures I refer to are my wonderful children that I love and adore! Of course I love my kids and my husband soooo much! but, it is so nice when I get to go out friends and just have fun!

Casey came home early from Kansas City late Wednesday night. His booth got shut down so he packed his stuff and stood outside the hotel. He said that he asked everyone that came out with a bag where they were going. Can you believe that I am married to this hitch hiker? It didn't take him long to convence a very sceptical guy to let him ride along. The guy lived in Bella vista so Nate went to pick my roaming husband. It was a nice surprise to see him walk in at 11. It was also sooooo nice to sleep in Thursday morning. ( he got up and took the kids to school)

Shep isn't feeling well today. I kept him home from school...I think if I watch one more episode of Curious George I might go blind! Curious George and Trains, those are Shep's favorites. Needless to say we watch alot PBS!

So, tonight me and Tara are going to hang out with one of our friends,Jackie, in Fayetteville. It should be lots of fun. We are going to George's to hear some good music-well, I don't know that they are good. I'm taking Jackie's word for it. We will see I guess. Either way, I get to go have adult conversations with really live people.
For a little while I will just be Kim, responsible for only myself.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Have fun tonight!! Have a drink for me!