Tuesday, January 22, 2008

yes....yes....it is true....i am BLOGGING! if anyone is reading this for correct spelling and grammar, STOP NOW! my blog will be totally informal and im sure at times it will be a gripe session.

Casey left for Kansas City meetings this morning, he will be coming back on Friday. While Casey is away Kane is the man of the house, all that means is that Kane will have to roll the trash bin out for trash day.

I am soooo glad that Bentonville did not cancel school today. It is like the first time in history that it was freezing and the school district did not cancel school. My kids were not all that thrilled about having to bundle up and go to school, but it sure made my day! Kane said that in his first class it was him and one other child. I can't believe that there was only one other mother with any sense in Kane's homeroom. Most of the kids got there around nine. It only took those other mothers an hour before they realized their kids belonged at school. Especially after the second three-day weekend in a row! Have a great day at school..mom loves you....

1 comment:

Christy said...

I'm so glad you started a blog!