Monday, February 4, 2008

so happy its monday....(kinda)

it is monday and my kids are at school, my husband is at work, and i put the dog outside. finally, i am in an empty house......listen.....its sooooooo queit. then i walk to the washer and realize that there is enough laundry to swim in. i have ran the dishwasher twice today, and will need to run it again after dinner. i didn't get anything done over the weekend. casey worked all day saturday and most of the day sunday.

casey replaced the floor in the kichen this weekend! YAA! it is 1,000x better that the **** tile that was on the floor. i can't beleive that he got it all done. he finished just in time to watch the super bowl. what a game! i am so glad that the giants won! go eli manning! its to bad eli is so goofy. i could put up with goofy if i got to see him take off his football pants and had access to the bank!-i didn't say that-

enough dreaming.....i have to go empty the dishwasher and change over the laundry

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I can't wait to see your floor!